Famous Urdu Poet MD Taseer Biography And Urdu Poetry

Famous Urdu Poet MD Taseer Biography And Urdu Poetry


Dr. Muhammad Din Taseer(MD Taseer), a distinguished Urdu poet, critic, and educationist, entered this world in the Tehsil Ajnala region of Amritsar district. The year 1904 marked the beginning of his life's journey, but it was marred by the loss of both his parents to the plague. Raised in the care of his uncle, Miyan Nazimuddin, who held a prominent position as the Chief of Lahore, young Taseer's path took shape.

Famous Urdu Poet MD Taseer Biography And Urdu Poetry

Early Life And Education

In 1926, he achieved his M.A. degree from Forman Christian College in Lahore, a milestone that propelled him into the realm of academia. Embarking on his teaching career, he initially delivered English lectures at Islamia College, Lahore, although he later briefly joined the Information Department before returning to Islamia College in 1928. The year 1934 saw him pursuing advanced studies in England, culminating in the attainment of his Ph.D. from the prestigious University of Cambridge.

Assuming the role of Principal at M.A.O. College, Amritsar in 1936, Dr. Taseer's leadership left an indelible mark during his tenure. His multifaceted journey continued through the challenges of the Second World War, until the partition of 1947 prompted his relocation to Srinagar and subsequently to Pakistan. Joining the Department of Press and Publications in Azad Kashmir, he contributed significantly. By 1948, he ascended to the position of Principal at Islamia College, Lahore, maintaining this association until the end of his days.


Dr. MD Taseer's literary voyage commenced in his early years, with his talents blossoming during his college days. By 1924, he had garnered substantial recognition in literary circles. Notably, he assumed editorial responsibilities for the esteemed Lahore publication 'Nairang Khayal' and showcased his translations and essays in other prominent magazines. As a founding member of the Progressive Writers' Association, he played a pivotal role in shaping its course. Evolving from traditional styles to embrace modernism, he wielded free verse as his chosen mode of expression.

It is noteworthy that Dr. Muhammad Din Taseer was the father of Salman Taseer, a former Governor of the Pakistani province of Punjab, whose life was tragically cut short. In a poignant act, Dr. Taseer also undertook the somber duty of arranging the coffin and funeral rites for Ghazi Ilm Din Shaheed's revered remains.


  • Kanwal(Novel)
  • Aatish Kadah(Poetry Book)


1st December 1950(48 years Age)

Sample Of Poetry 

Ghazal No 1

dagh senay ph jo hmaray hen 

gl khlae'ay hoe'ay tmharay hen 

rbt hay hsn o ashq men bahm 

aek drea kay do knaray hen 

koe'e jdt nhen hsenon men 

sb nay nqshay tray ataray hen 

tere baten hen ks qdr sheren 

teray lb kesay pearay pearay hen 

js trh hm nay raten kate hen 

as trh hm nay dn gzaray hen

MD Taseer 

Ghazal No 2

hsn kay raz nhan shrh bean tk phnchay 

aankh say dl men ge'ay dl say zban tk phnchay 

dl nay aankhon say khe aankhon nay dl se khh de 

bat chl nkle hay ab dekhen khan tk phnchay 

ashq phlay he qdm pr hay yqen say oasl 

antha aql ke yh hay kh gman tk phnchay 

kabh o der men to log hen aatay jatay 

oh nh lotay jo dr per mghan tk phnchay 

aankh say aankh khay dl say hon dl ke baten 

oae'ay oh arz tmna jo zban tk phnchay

MD Taseer 

Ghazal No 3

hzor yar bhe aanso nkl he aatay hen 

kchh akhtlaf kay phlo nkl he aatay hen 

mzaj aek nzr aek dl bhe aek she 

maamlat mn o to nkl he aatay hen 

hzar hm skhne ho hzar hm nzre 

mqam jnbsh abro nkl he aatay hen 

hnae'ay nakhn pa ho kh hlqۂ sr zlf 

chhpaؤ bhe to yh jado nkl he aatay hen 

jnab shekh ozo kay leay she lekn 

kse bhanay lb jo nkl he aatay hen 

mtaa ashq oh aanso jo dl men dob ge'ay 

zmen ka rzq jo aanso nkl he aatay hen

MD Taseer 

Ghazal No 4

ltf ofa nhen kh oh bedad gr nhen 

khamosh hon kh mere fghan bay asr nhen 

teray bgher tlkhe kam o dhn hram 

drd jgr hay lzt drd jgr nhen 

sjdon say namrad hay jloon say naamed 

oh rh gzr kh ab jo tre rh gzr nhen 

tm kea ge'ay kh sara zmanh chla gea 

oh rat dn nhen hen oh sham o shr nhen 

hr hr rosh maamlhٔ hsn o aashqe 

hr hr qdm frogh jmal nzr nhen 

bay bak chal chal say bebak tr nzr 

ab hsn to bht hay mgr ftnh gr nhen 

zkhmon say chor qaflay pr khar rastay 

as men tra qsor to aay rahbr nhen 

dneae'ay chshm o gosh to brbad ho ge'e 

ab kchh bgher mark kher o shr nhen

MD Taseer 

Ghazal No 5

aay hq srsht aae'nh hq nma hen hm 

aay abtdae'ay kar tre antha hen hm 

tm kea ho ashoh kareٔ tkhee'l aor kea 

hm kea hen baz gshth tmhare sda hen hm 

zhn azl men aek tsor ka ahtzad 

mdhm se aek nghmۂ kn ke noa hen hm 

kchh bhe nhen jo to nh ho to hay to kea nhen 

sb kchh bhe hm hen aor jo sochen to kea hen hm 

aa aay nqab posh azl aa qreb tr 

prdh alt kay aa kh tera mdaa hen hm 

kese tlash rah kh mnzl men aap hen 

kese rja o bem kh khod mdaa hen hm

MD Taseer 

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