Biography of Mirza Daagh Dehlvi Famous Urdu Poet

Biography of Mirza Daagh Dehlvi Famous Urdu Poet


Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib, the eminent Urdu and Persian poet, once remarked, "Dil hi toh hai na sang-o-khisht, dard se bhar na aaye kyun; Royenge hum hazaar baar, koi hamein sataaye kyun." These lines, steeped in the spirit of melancholy and introspection, are not his own but those of another illustrious poet of the same era—Mirza Daagh Dehlvi. Daagh, as he is popularly known, is one of the most revered and celebrated poets in the realm of Urdu literature. His life and works are a testament to the richness and depth of the poetic tradition that flourished during the 19th century in India.

Early Life and Family Background

Mirza Asadullah Baig Khan, later known as Daagh Dehlvi, was born on May 25, 1831, in Delhi, a city that had long been a hub of cultural and artistic expression. He hailed from a distinguished lineage of poets, with his grandfather, Mirza Dabeer, and his father, Mirza Abu Bakr Baig, being respected poets at the Mughal court. This familial legacy naturally influenced Daagh's inclination towards poetry from an early age.

Education and Literary Pursuits

Daagh received a comprehensive education that encompassed not only the intricacies of classical Urdu and Persian poetry but also a wide array of subjects including philosophy, logic, and astronomy. His thirst for knowledge led him to master various forms of poetry, from ghazals to nazms and rubaiyats. Under the guidance of his father and other accomplished mentors, Daagh honed his craft and developed a distinct voice in the world of Urdu literature.

The Pen Name 'Daagh'

Mirza Asadullah Khan adopted the pen name 'Daagh,' which means 'blemish' or 'stain' in Urdu. This choice of pen name is both intriguing and reflective of his introspective and self-critical nature. It is said that he chose this name due to his melancholic disposition and his belief that his own soul was stained with the sorrows and tribulations of life.

Literary Style and Themes

Daagh Dehlvi's poetry is characterized by its simplicity, sincerity, and emotional depth. His verses often revolve around themes of love, heartbreak, pain, and the transient nature of life. His ghazals are replete with poignant metaphors and evocative imagery, making them resonate with readers across generations. Unlike some of his contemporaries, Daagh's poetry didn't delve extensively into political or socio-religious themes. Instead, he focused on the intricacies of human emotions, making his work relatable and timeless.

Contributions to Urdu Literature

Daagh Dehlvi's contributions to Urdu literature are significant and enduring. His ghazals are known for their delicate blend of language and emotion. His diction is remarkably simple yet profound, allowing his poetry to transcend linguistic and cultural barriers. His emphasis on raw emotions and personal experiences added a sense of authenticity to his verses, setting him apart from many of his contemporaries who favored more ornate and elaborate styles.

Life's Challenges and Personal Turmoil

Daagh's personal life was marked by tragedy and turmoil. He faced financial difficulties due to the decline of the Mughal court and the subsequent upheavals in Delhi. Moreover, he had to cope with personal losses, including the death of his wife and the separation from his children. These challenges deeply influenced his poetry, infusing it with a sense of longing, melancholy, and an introspective perspective on life's struggles.

Literary Circle and Contemporaries

During his lifetime, Daagh Dehlvi was an integral part of the literary and cultural circles in Delhi. He interacted with other renowned poets of his time, such as Mirza Ghalib, Zauq, and Momin Khan Momin. These interactions contributed to the exchange of ideas, artistic inspiration, and refinement of his craft.

Later Life and Legacy

As time passed, Daagh Dehlvi's reputation as a prominent poet continued to grow. He was appointed as a teacher at Delhi College, where he continued to inspire young minds and contribute to the propagation of Urdu literature. Despite facing personal hardships and societal changes, he remained steadfast in his dedication to poetry.

Daagh Dehlvi's legacy endures through his poetic compositions, which continue to be celebrated and recited by enthusiasts of Urdu poetry around the world. His ghazals and nazms touch the hearts of readers with their emotional depth and resonance. His emphasis on simplicity, sincerity, and raw emotions has left an indelible mark on the landscape of Urdu literature.


Mirza Daagh Dehlvi's life and works encapsulate the essence of 19th-century Urdu poetry, a time when poetry was not just a form of artistic expression but a means of introspection and self-discovery. His profound and emotionally charged verses have the power to evoke empathy and stir the soul. Daagh Dehlvi's legacy is a testament to the enduring power of words to transcend time, culture, and personal struggles, leaving an imprint on the hearts of those who seek solace and meaning in the world of poetry.

Sample Of Poetry 

Ghazal No 1

achhe sort ph ghzb tot kay aana dl ka

ead aata hay hmen hae'ay zmana dl ka

ngۂ yar nay ke khanh khrabe aese

nh thkana hay jgr ka nh thkana dl ka

pore mhnde bhe lgane nhen aate ab tk

keon kr aaea tjhay gheron say lgana dl ka

ngh shrm ko bay tab kea kam kea

rng laea tre aankhon men smana dl ka

hor ke shkl ho tm nor kay ptlay ho tm

aor as pr tmhen aata hay jlana dl ka

bad mdt kay yh aay daghؔ smjh men aaea

ohe dana hay kha js nay nh mana dl ka

Dagh Dahlvi

Ghazal No 2

saf kb amthan letay hen 

oh to dm day kay jan letay hen 

eon hـay mnzor khanh oerane 

mol mera mkan letay hen 

tm tghafl kro rqebon say 

jannay oalay jan letay hen 

phr nh aana agr koe'e bhejay 

namh br say zban letay hen 

ab bhe gr prr kay zaf say nalay 

satoan aasman letay hen 

teray khnjr say bhe to aay qatl 

nok ke nojoan letay hen 

apnay bsml ka sr hـay zano pr 

ks mhbt say jan letay hen 

eh sna hـay mray leـay tloar 

ak mray mhrban letay hen 

eh nh khh hm say teray mnh men khak 

as men tere zban letay hen 

kon jata hـay as gle men jsay 

dor say pasban letay hen 

mnzl shoq tay nhen hote 

thekean natoan letay hen 

kr gzrtay hen ho bre kh bhle 

dl men jo kchh oh than letay hen 

oh jhgrrtay hen jb rqebon say 

bech men mjh ko san letay hen 

zd hr ak bat pr nhen achhe 

dost ke dost man letay hen 

mstad ho kay yh kho to she 

aae'eـay amthan letay hen 

daghؔ bhe hـay ajeb shr bean 

bat js ke oh man letay hen 

Dagh Dehlvi

Ghazal No 3

ngah pher kay azr osal krtay hen 

mjhay oh alte chhre say hlal krtay hen

zban qta kro، dl ko keon jlatay ho

aِse say shkoh، ase say soal krtay hen

nh dekhe nbz، nh pochha mzaj bhe tm nay

mrez ghm ko yonhe dekh bhal krtay hen

mray mzar ko oh thokon say thkra kr

flk say khtay hen yon pae'mal krtay hen

ps fna bhe mre roh kanp jate hay 

oh rotay rotay jo ankhon ko lal krtay hen 

adhr to koe'e nhen js say ap hen msrof

adhr ko dekheay، hm arz hal krtay hen

ehe hay fkr kh hath ae'ay tazh trz stm

eh kea kheal hay، oh kea kheal krtay hen

ohan freb o dgha men kme khan tobh 

hzar chal ke oh aek chal krtay hen

nhen hay mot say km ak jhan ka chkr

jnab khzr yonhe antqal krtay hen 

chhre nkale hay mjh pr ado ke khatr say

prae'ay oastay grdn hlal krtay hen

ehan yh shoq، oh nadan، mdaa barek

anhen joab bta kr soal krtay hen

hzar kam mzay kay hen dagh alft men

jo log kchh nhen krtay kmal krtay hen

Dagh Dehlvi 

Ghazal No 4

‏sb log jdhr oh hen adhr dekh rhay hen

hm dekhnay oalon ke nzr dekh rhay hen

teor tray aay rshk qmr dekh rhay hen

hm sham say aasar shr dekh rhay hen

mera dl gm gshth jo dhonda nhen mlta

oh apna dhn apne kmr dekh rhay hen

koe'e to nkl aae'ay ga sr baz mhbt

dl dekh rhay hen oh jgr dekh rhay hen

hay mjma aghear kh hngamۂ mhshr

kea ser mray dedۂ tr dekh rhay hen

ab aay ngh shoq nh rh jae'ay tmna

as oqt adhr say oh adhr dekh rhay hen

hr chnd kh hr roz ke rnjsh hay qeamt

hm koe'e dn as ko bhe mgr dekh rhay hen

aamd hay kse ke kh gea koe'e adhr say

keon sb trf rah gzr dekh rhay hen

tkrar tjle nay tray jloay men keon ke

hert zdh sb ahl nzr dekh rhay hen

nerng hay aek aek tra ded kay qabl

hm aay flk shabdh gr dekh rhay hen

kb tk hay tmhara skhn tlkh goara

as zhr men ktna hay asr dekh rhay hen

kchh dekh rhay hen dl bsml ka trrpna

kchh ghor say qatl ka hnr dekh rhay hen

ab tk to jo qsmt nay dkhaea ohe dekha

aae'ndh ho kea nfa o zrr dekh rhay hen

phlay to sna krtay thay aashq ke msebt

ab aankh say oh aath phr dekh rhay hen

keon kfr hay dedar snm hzrt oaaz

allh dkhata hay bshr dekh rhay hen

kht gher ka prrhtay thay jo toka to oh bolay

akhbar ka prchh hay khbr dekh rhay hen

prrh prrh kay oh dm krtay hen kchh hath pr apnay

hns hns kay mray zkhm jgr dekh rhay hen

men daghؔ hon mrta hon adhr dekheay mjh ko

mnh pher kay yh aap kdhr dekh rhay hen

Dagh Dehlvi 

Ghazal No 5

tmharay  kht  menn nea  ak  slam  ks ka tha

nh  tha  rqeb  to   aakhr   oh   nam  ks  ka  tha

oh qtl kr kay mjhay hr kse say pochhtay hen

eh  kam  ks  nay  kea  hay  yh  kam  ks  ka  tha

ofa   kren   gay   nbahen   gay   bat   manen  gay

tmhen  bhe  yad  hay  kchh  yh klam ks ka tha

rha   nh  dl  men   oh   bay   drd   aor   drd   rha

mqem    kon    hoa    hay    mqam    ks   ka    tha

nh pochh gchh the kse ke ohan nh aaؤ bhgt

tmhare   bzm   men   kl   ahtmam   ks   ka   tha

tmam   bzm   jsay   sn   kay   rh   ge'e   mshtaq

kho     oh     tzkr   natmam     ks    ka     tha

hmaray  kht  kay  to  przay  ke'ay  prrha  bhe  nhen

sna  jo  to  nay  bh  dl  oh  peam   ks   ka   tha

athae'e  keon  nh  qeamt  ado  kay  kochay  men

lhaz   aap   ko    oqt    khram    ks   ka   tha

gzr  gea  oh  zmanh   khon   to   ks   say   khon

kheal  dl  ko  mray  sbh   o  sham  ks  ka  tha

hmen   to  hzrt   oaaz   ke   zd   nay  ploae'e

ehan     aradۂ    shrb    mdam    ks     ka     tha

agrchh    dekhnay    oalay      tray    hzaron    thay

tbah    hal    bht    zer    bam     ks    ka   tha

oh  kon  tha  kh  tmhen  js  nay  bay  ofa  jana

kheal   kham   yh   sodae'ay   kham   ks   ka    tha

anhen   sfat   say    hota    hay   aadme   mshhor

jo   ltf   aam   oh   krtay   yh  nam ks ka tha

hr   ak   say  khtay  hen  kea  daghؔ  bay  ofa  nkla

eh  pochhay  an  say  koe'e  oh  ghlam  ks ka tha

Dagh Dehlvi