Biography Of Legend Urdu Poet Noon Meem Rashid

Biography Of Legend Urdu Poet Noon Meem Rashid


Urdu poetry is a realm that has produced countless literary giants, each with a unique voice and perspective. One such luminary is Noon Meem Rashid, an iconic figure whose poetic prowess and innovative style have left an indelible mark on the world of Urdu literature. Born on August 1, 1910, in Aligarh, British India, and passing away on October 9, 1975, Rashid's life journey and literary contributions deserve to be celebrated and explored.

Early Life and Education

Noon Meem Rashid, originally named Muhammad Rashid, hailed from a family of scholars and poets. His early exposure to the world of literature and poetry laid the foundation for his future artistic endeavors. He received his initial education in Aligarh and then pursued higher studies in Lahore, a city that was a hub of literary and cultural activities during that time. This exposure to diverse influences significantly shaped his poetic sensibilities.

Innovative Style and Contribution

Rashid's poetry is distinguished by its modern and innovative approach. He introduced new themes and experimented with different forms, breaking away from traditional structures. His poetry often delved into existential questions, human emotions, and the complexities of life. Unlike the ornate and flowery language prevalent in classical Urdu poetry, Rashid embraced simplicity and directness in his expression.

One of Rashid's notable contributions was his introduction of free verse into Urdu poetry. He believed that rigid rhyme and meter sometimes restricted the poet's ability to convey their true emotions. This departure from established norms garnered both appreciation and criticism, but it undoubtedly expanded the horizons of Urdu poetic expression.

Themes in Rashid's Poetry

Rashid's poetry is characterized by its exploration of a range of themes:

Existentialism and Self-Reflection

Rashid's poetry often delved into the deeper realms of existence, pondering questions about the purpose of life, human nature, and the individual's place in the universe. His introspective approach resonated with readers who also grappled with these profound questions.

Love and Longing

Like many poets, Rashid explored the complexities of human emotions, particularly love and longing. His verses captured the intensity of emotions, often juxtaposing the personal with the universal.

Social and Political Commentary

Rashid's poetry wasn't limited to personal themes; he also commented on social and political issues of his time. His works reflected his concerns about societal injustices, colonialism, and the changing landscape of the Indian subcontinent.

Nature and Romanticism

Nature frequently found its way into Rashid's poetry, where he used it as a metaphor to convey various emotions and thoughts. His descriptions of nature were marked by vivid imagery and a keen observation of the world around him.

Literary Influence and Legacy

Rashid's innovative style and thought-provoking themes have had a lasting impact on Urdu literature. While he was often met with resistance from traditionalists, his influence on subsequent generations of poets cannot be denied. Many contemporary poets have drawn inspiration from his free verse experimentation and his courage to challenge conventional norms.

Challenges and Recognition

Rashid's artistic journey was not without challenges. His departure from traditional forms invited criticism and skepticism, but he remained steadfast in his commitment to his unique artistic vision. Over time, his work began to receive the recognition it deserved. He received the prestigious Adamjee Award for Literature in 1963, a testament to the growing acceptance of his innovative approach.


In the tapestry of Urdu literature, Noon Meem Rashid stands out as a visionary poet who fearlessly explored uncharted territories. His contributions to modernizing Urdu poetry, his philosophical contemplations, and his courage to break away from convention have secured his place in the pantheon of literary greats. Rashid's life and work continue to inspire budding poets to challenge norms, experiment with language, and delve into the profound aspects of human existence. As we celebrate his legacy, we are reminded of the enduring power of artistic expression to shape and reflect the complexities of the human experience.

Sample Of Poetry 

Ghazal No 1

hsrt antzar yar nh pochh 

hae'ay oh shdt antzar nh pochh 

rng glshn dm bhar nh pochh 

ohsht qlb bay qrar nh pochh 

sdmۂ andleb zar nh pochh 

tlkh anjame' bhar nh pochh 

gher pr ltf men rhen stm 

mjh say aae'en bzm yar nh pochh 

day dea drd mjh ko dl kay aoz 

hae'ay ltf stm shaar nh pochh 

phr hoe'e yad may kshe tazh 

mste abr no bhar nh pochh 

mjh ko dhoka hay tar bstr ka 

na toane' jsm yar nh pochh 

men hon na aashnae'ay osl hnoz 

mjh say kef osal yar nh pochh

Noon Meem Rashid

Ghazal No 2

jo bay sbat ho as sr khoshe ko kea kejay 

eh zndge hay to phr zndge ko kea kejay 

rka jo kam to deoange he kam aae'e 

nh kam aae'ay to frzange ko kea kejay 

eh keon khen kh hmen koe'e rhnma nh mla 

mgr srsht ke aaoarge ko kea kejay 

kse ko dekh kay ak moj lb ph aa to ge'e 

athay nh dl say to aese hnse ko kea kejay 

hmen to aap nay soz alm he bkhsha tha 

jo nor bn ge'e as terge ko kea kejay 

hmaray hsay ka ak jrah bhe nhen baqe 

ngah dost ke may khange ko kea kejay 

jhan ghreb ko nan joen nhen mlte 

ohan hkem kay drs khode ko kea kejay 

osal dost say bhe km nh ho ske rashdؔ 

azl say pae'e hoe'e tshnge ko kea kejay

Noon Meem Rashid

Ghazal No 3

tray krm say khdae'e men yon to kea nh mla 

mgr jo to nh mla zest ka mza nh mla 

heat shoq ke yh grmean khan hoten 

khda ka shkr hmen nalۂ rsa nh mla 

azl say ftrt aazad he the aaoarh 

eh keon khen kh hmen koe'e rhnma nh mla 

eh kae'nat kse ka ghbar rah she 

dlel rah jo bnta oh nqsh pa nh mla 

eh dl shhed freb ngah ho nh ska 

oh lakh hm say bh andaz mhrmanh mla 

knar moj men mrna to hm ko aata hay 

nshan sahl alft mla mla nh mla 

tre tlash he the mae bqae'ay ojod 

bla say hm ko sr mnzl bqa nh mla

Noon Meem Rashid 

Ghazal No 4

to aashnae'ay jzb  alft nhen rha 

dl men tray oh zoq mhbt nhen rha 

phr nghmh hae'ay qm to fza men hen gonjtay 

to he href zoq smaat nhen rha 

aae'en khan say aankh men aatsh chkanean 

dl aashnae'ay soz mhbt nhen rha 

gl hae'ay hsn yar men damn ksh nzr 

men ab hres glshn jnt nhen rha 

shaed jnon hay mae'l frzange mra 

men oh nhen oh aalm ohsht nhen rha 

mmnon hon men tera bht mrg naghan 

men ab aser grdsh qsmt nhen rha 

jloh ghh kheal men oh aa ge'ay hen aaj 

lo men rhen zhmt khlot nhen rha 

kea fae'dh hay daoe'ay ashq hsen say 

sr men agr oh shoq shhadt nhen rha

Noon Meem Rashid