Biography of Famous Urdu Poet Meer Taqi Meer
Early Life and Background
Meer Taqi Meer, full name Mir Muhammad Taqi, was a prominent Urdu and Persian poet born on 18th March 1723 (11 Shawwal 1135 AH) in Agra, India. He hailed from a family of nobles and was born into a world of culture and refinement.
Literary Journey
Meer Taqi Meer's literary journey began early, and he exhibited a remarkable talent for poetry from a young age. He was deeply influenced by the classical Persian and Urdu poetry of his time. His ghazals and nazms reflected the themes of love, pain, separation, and the mystic experience, which resonated with the emotions of his readers.
Mystical Inclinations
Meer Taqi Meer was not just a poet of emotions but also had a strong connection with Sufism and mysticism. His verses often contained deeper layers of meaning, exploring spiritual and philosophical themes. This mystic inclination added a unique dimension to his poetry.
Shift to Delhi
Meer Taqi Meer moved to Delhi around 1782, which was a significant phase in his life. Delhi was a hub of culture and literature during that time, and it was in this environment that Meer's poetic prowess truly blossomed. He became an integral part of the literary and cultural circles in the city.
Master of Ghazal
Meer Taqi Meer is widely regarded as the master of the Urdu ghazal. His ghazals are characterized by their eloquence, depth of emotion, and intricate use of language. He enriched the ghazal form with his unique style and innovative expressions, earning him a place of honor in the world of Urdu poetry.
Personal Struggles
Meer Taqi Meer's life was marked by personal struggles and sorrow. His poetry often reflected the pain of unrequited love and the fleeting nature of human existence. These personal tribulations added a layer of authenticity to his verses, making them resonate with the hearts of his readers.
Legacy and Influence
Meer Taqi Meer's legacy continues to live on through his poetry. His ghazals and nazms have been celebrated and admired by generations of poets, writers, and lovers of Urdu literature. His profound impact on Urdu poetry has earned him a revered place in the pantheon of literary giants.
Death and Commemoration
Meer Taqi Meer passed away on 21st September 1810 (9 Safar 1225 AH) in Lucknow, leaving behind a treasure trove of poetic masterpieces. His tomb in Lucknow remains a site of homage and remembrance, where admirers and lovers of poetry pay their respects to this literary luminary.
Meer Taqi Meer's life and poetry remain an integral part of Urdu literary heritage. His ability to capture the complexities of human emotions and his profound insights into the nature of existence have ensured his enduring influence on subsequent generations of poets and writers.
Sample Of Poetry
Ghazal No 1
tjh ph gr mere nzr nhen jate
jan jate hay pr nhen jate
dr o deoar sn kay rotay hen
aah tm tk mgr nhen jate
jan lay oh zban nzron ke
daa mere asr nhen late
sochta hon kh tm say khh don ga
bat lb tk mgr nhen aate
jo bhe jata hay lot aata hay
to keon phr lot kr nhen aate
ktna pagl hay dl yh khta hay
ead asko ab tere nhen aate .
Meer Taqi Meer
Ghazal No 2
faqirana aae'ay sda kr chlay
kh mean khosh rho hm daa kr chlay
jo tjh bn nh jenay ko khtay thay hm
so as ahd ko ab ofa kr chlay
shfa apne tqder he men nh the
kh mqdor tk to doa kr chlay
prray aesay asbab paean kar
kh nachar yon je jla kr chlay
oh kea chez hay aah js kay leay
hr ak chez say dl atha kr chlay
koe'e naamedanh krtay ngah
so tm hm say mnh bhe chhpa kr chlay
bht aarzo the gle ke tre
so yan say lho men nha kr chlay
dkhae'e dee'ay yon kh bay khod kea
hmen aap say bhe jda kr chlay
jben sjdh krtay he krtay ge'e
hq bndge hm ada kr chlay
prstsh ke yan tk kh aay bt tjhay
nzr men sbhon ke khda kr chlay
jhrray phol js rng glbn say yon
chmn men jhan kay hm aa kr chlay
nh dekha ghm dostan shkr hay
hmen dagh apna dkha kr chlay
ge'e amr dr bnd fkr ghzl
so as fn ko aesa brra kr chlay
khen kea jo pochhay koe'e hm say merؔ
jhan men tm aae'ay thay kea kr chlay
Meer Taqi Meer
Ghazal No 3
meray malk nay mray hq men yh ahsan kea
khakِ nachez tha men so mjhay ansan kea
aos sray dl ke khrabe hoe'e aay ashq dregh
too nay ks khanۂ mtboa ko oeran kea
zbt tha jb te'en chaht nh hoe'e the zahr
ashk nay bhh kay mray chhray ph tofan kea
antha shoq ke dl kay jo sba nay pochhe
aok kfo khak koe'e aُn nay preshan kea
mjh ko shaar nh kho merؔ kh sahb men nay
drd o ghm ktnay keay jma to deoan kea
Meer Taqi Meer
Ghazal No 4
dl ke bat khe nhen jate chpkay rhna thana hay
hal agr hay aesa he to je say jana، jana hay
as ke ngahِ tez hay meray dosh o br pr an rozon
eane dl phlo men meray terِstm ka nshanh hay
dl jo rhay to paؤn ko bhe damn men hm khench rkhen
sbh say lay kr sanjh tlk aodhr he jana aana hay
srkh kbho aanso hen hotay zrd kbho hay mnh mera
kea kea rng mhbt kay hen yh bhe aek zmanh hay
as nomedeo bay ghaet pr ks mqdar krrha kreay
do dm jetay rhna hay to qeamt tk mr jana hay
frst km hay yan rhnay ke bat nhen kchh khnay ke
aankhen khol kay kan jo kholo bzmِ jhan afsanh hay
fae'dh hoga kea mtrtb nash hrzh drae'e say
ks ke nseht kon snay hay aashq to deoanh hay
tegh tlay he as kay keon nh grdn dal kay ja bethen
sr to aakhrkar hmen bhe khak ke aor jhkana hay
aankhon ke yh mrdm dare dl ko kso dlbr say hay
trzo ngh trare sare merؔ tmhen phchana hay
Meer Taqi Meer
Ghazal No 5
ashq men zlt hoe'e khft hoe'e thmt hoe'e
aakhr aakhr jan de yaron nay yh shbt hoe'e
aks as bay ded ka to mtsl prrta tha sbh
dn chrrhay kea janon aae'enay ke kea sort hoe'e
dl ka jana aaj kl tazh hoa ho to khon
gzray as bhe sanhay ko hm nshen mdt hoe'e
bay zban jo khtay hen mjh ko so chp rh jae'en gay
markay men hshr kay gr bat ke rkhst hoe'e
hm nh khtay thay kh nqsh as ka nhen nqash shl
chand sara lg gea tb nem rkh sort hoe'e
as ghzl pr sham say to sofeon ko ojd tha
phr nhen malom kchh mjls ke kea halt hoe'e
km kso ko merؔ ke met ke hath aae'e nmaz
nash pr as bay sr o pa ke bla ksrt hoe'e
Meer Taqi Meer